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Our Solution

We partner with government agencies to provide Cybersecurity trainings as well as direct consultations for SMBs. We have developed a cost effective cybersecurity approach that is tailored for SMB.

We offer highly affordable fixed price contract to be certifiation ready in 6 months for 1/3 of the traditional cost.

We have developed an Information Security approach that is tailored for SMB. Our approach builds on your exisiting IT infrastructure and will not require an overhaul. It is highly affordable and cost effective.

We can conduct the basis assessment through an easy interview process. This will help you identify the gaps in meeting the necessary cybersecurity requirements.

Contact Us
Tel: 202-505-3036

Contact Us

Office Hours
Thursdays 13:00-13:30 ET
Zoom Meeting ID: 932 2260 0251
Passcode: cmmcicu

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