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User Mistakes
Internal Data Theft
Virus Attack
Technology Failure


Information Security Service

Information security is not only about protecting data from external cybersecurity threats. It must also address natural disasters and internal threats. For example, Fire, flood, theft, accidental or intentional malicious deletions, software or hard drive failures can all lead to catastrophic data loss. Based on a survey, sixty percent of small businesses with catastrophic data loss will shut down within six months.

Most small businesses do not have in-house IT support. They are at a disadvantage when it comes to best practices for Informaton Security. CMMC ICU has developed an Information Security approach that is tailored for SMB. Our approach builds on your exisiting IT infrastructure and will not require an overhaul. It is highly affordable and cost effective.


Contact Us
Tel: 202-505-3036

Contact Us

Office Hours
Thursdays 13:00-13:30 ET
Zoom Meeting ID: 932 2260 0251
Passcode: cmmcicu

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