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Our Solution

CMMC Certification

We offer an affordable CMMC certification and NIST SP 800-171 compliance solution tailored for SMB.

A principal consultant will be assigned to your company as the virtual Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). The CISO will lead the overall CMMC certification program that spans over IT and non-IT elements (e.g. physical security such as on site access control). This cybersecurity professional will interface with the 3rd party auditor on your behalf for the entire certification process. Finally and unlike some consulting firm that only points out the issues, we will implement most of the IT elements required for CMMC certification.

It will be less than 6 months for a typical SMB to be ready and successfully pass certification.

The solution is structured as a 12 month program with an affordable flat monthly fee that is a small fraction of the cost of hiring a Cybersecurity professional. The exact fee is determined after a gap assessment.

Our implementation uses a CUI Enclave architecture that is not only highly secure, it is also much faster for staff to learn and adept. We focus on what is truly needed for a SMB and do not over extend the requirements. We also work with government entities to secure any grant when available.

a. Our solution is cloud based with no investment and maintenance of additional on permit equipment (except non-IT hardware such as surveillance cameras if needed for physical security).

b. Our solution uses CUI Enclave architecture which is recommended by the government as a best practice. This is much faster for staff to learn and does not bleed unnecessary compliance burden to regular commercial projects.

c. Our solution is is ITAR compliance and can be seamlessly integrated with popular office productivity suites such as Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365. Staff is not required to be retrained on a new suite of office productivity tools.

d. Unlike some consultation firm that might only provide you with a gap analysis and a list of things to do – but do not provide implementation, we design and implement the IT solution for you.

e. We also provide post certification monitoring, auditing, incident reporting, and maintenance.

f. We guarantee our client obtaining 3rd party certification for CMMC or attestation for NIST 800-171 compliance.

We offer an affordable CMMC certification and NIST SP 800-171 compliance solution tailored for SMB. Please visit our promotion page for details.

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